After a bustling summer and action packed fall here at Smoky Mountain Corps (the last of our 2015 corps members left us in November), it has been all peace and quiet here for the last several months. But the calm won’t last much longer…it is time to amp up preparations for our 2016 season!

SMC had an amazing first season in 2015. During 2015, we successfully launched our Residential Leadership Corps program which brought together a diverse group of young adults to receive hands on leadership training in conservation, sustainable agriculture, and community development while completing 14 weeks of service to the Southeast region.  SMC Native Plants Interns spent their days working at Mountain True to manage invasive species on lands with federally protected rare and endangered plants. Additionally, SMC hosted a Summer Associate VISTA member who coordinated a public Community Garden Festival in Knoxville, TN and organized projects and trainings for the SMC Residential Leadership Corps.

35The crew was able to work in some incredible places completing a myriad of meaningful service projects; trail work the Great Smoky Mountains National Park, bald management and habitat restoration in Pisgah National Forest, and the Community Garden Festival at the Center for Urban Agriculture in Knoxville.

In 2015, SMC members performed 10,133 hours of service, improving over 22 miles of trail and managing over 30 acres for habitat improvement.  Members removed 27.5 acres of invasive species, cleared and planted 3000+ sq feet of gardens and assisted local community farms in projects for 100 hours.  At the Community Garden Festival at the Center for Urban Agriculture, Members led 8 free public workshops and activities for over 120 people.  In addition to all this service, SMC members received 20+ trainings in everything from trail construction, leadership development, and wilderness medicine to gardening, food preservation, and taking care of chickens.

Please see our annual report for a full overview of the 2015 season.

Indeed, it was a busy year.  And now it is time to start all over again! We are extremely excited to announce that this year, SMC will be working under fiscal sponsorship of the Student Conservation Association, the organization that gave us our introduction to the conservation world, to run our second season of corps programming. As members ourselves of SCA’s esteemed New Hampshire Corps program way back in 2011, we began dreaming of one day building our own program down here in the beautiful Southeast.  Now, with the support and guidance from SCA, Smoky Mountain Corps will have the opportunity to continue providing meaningful opportunities for young adults in the Southeast.

Please stay tuned for more updates and hiring announcements coming shortly!

Please consider making a donation Smoky Mountain Corps.  100% of contributions will be used to support and grow programs.


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